After appointments, consultations, and a thoughtful decision process, you have made the choice to go through with a dental procedure. At first, you are elated. The decision is made! Next, you feel relief. You are going to look and feel better and live life with more freedom after the procedure. But then, you start to worry and become anxious… it’s gonna hurt!

Although the popular phrase goes, “No pain, no gain,” in the case of dental implant surgery, it’s quite the opposite: No pain, lots of gain. Here’s why dental procedures, with the right doctor, can leave you focused on results, not in pain:

  1. Anesthesia – There are several methods of anesthesia that can be used for dental procedures. Dr. Emery will determine which is best based on the nature of the surgical procedure and your level of trepidation. Local anesthetic could be used for elective procedures, such as extractions. It leaves the patient completely conscious, but numb in the mouth. Nitrous oxide sedation combined with local anesthetic leaves the patient conscious, but slightly sedated.
    Office-based anesthesia is when intravenous anesthesia is administered in the doctor’s office versus in the hospital. This type of anesthesia allows the patient to fall completely asleep. A trained doctor monitors their vitals. This method can be used for implant procedures.
  2. Smaller incision – As discussed in our previous blog,  smaller incisions are made using guided techniques. By using 3D X-ray machines to plan the procedure accurately and the X-Guide (, the smaller incision not only allows for a shorter recovery period, but also leaves patients in much less pain.
    Typically, pain can be managed with over-the-counter pain meds, like ibuprofen (Advil) or acetaminophen (Tylenol).
  3. Anxieties can be addressed  Despite understanding that the pain will not be significant and the procedure will go without a hitch, you could still have a hard time managing the anticipation of the upcoming procedure. On the day of the surgery, you can take a prescribed anti-anxiety medication to ease those last-minute nerves. They will help keep you calm as you make your way to the doctor’s office and procedure room. Most often, the provider will recommend a medication in the Benzodiazepine family. Benzos are known for their ability to decrease anxieties by reacting with those receptors in the brain that produce fears. You should feel comfortable talking about any anxieties or trepidations with your Dr. Emery and his staff.
  4. Easy scheduling means less headaches – Another painful part in the process has nothing to do with procedure day, but with making all of the arrangements beforehand. Patients have such anxiety and fear around the scheduling and coordinating processes that they stop before they even get started. Coordinating between their dentist offices and insurance providers is worth it. Dr. Emery’s knowledgeable staff is comfortable working with the other entities involved to make things as easy as possible for you. You’re the patient after all, don’t you have enough going on!

After the anesthetic wears off, the post-surgery discomfort varies, but typically is nothing more than what most people feel after a tooth extraction. Don’t let fear of a dental procedure stand in the way of taking on a “new chew” and trying different foods. There are several ways to make the procedure less painful. Talk to Dr. Emery about your specific concerns. Come up with a pre-surgery plan to offset your anxieties, as well as a surgical plan using anesthesia in the way you’re most comfortable with.

No pain means lots of gain with the right doctor as your implant partner. At CCOMFS we have the capabilities to provide office-based anesthesia and the compassion to make this process as painless as possible. 

For more information on all the anesthetic options we provide for dental implant surgery, contact our office at (202) 386-7100.