Understanding the Differences: Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin

In the world of neurotoxins and anti-wrinkle injections, Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin are prominent names. While all three treatments involve the use of Botulinum toxin, they have distinct characteristics, applications, and results.

Common Ground

All three products are designed to smooth wrinkles and fine lines by temporarily paralyzing the underlying muscles. They are FDA-approved and are administered through injections by qualified healthcare professionals.


  • Brand History: Botox has been a recognizable name in the industry for over two decades.
  • Composition: Contains additional proteins around the active molecule.
  • Onset of Action: Results typically appear within 3-5 days but might take up to 2 weeks for full effect.
  • Duration: The effects last approximately 3-6 months.


  • Brand History: Introduced after Botox, Dysport is another popular alternative.
  • Composition: Has fewer proteins surrounding the active molecule compared to Botox.
  • Onset of Action: It might work slightly faster, with results appearing within 2-5 days.
  • Duration: Effects are reported to last around 4-6 months, though individual results may vary.


  • Brand History: Xeomin is newer compared to Botox and Dysport but has been gaining popularity.
  • Composition: It is considered “naked” as it contains no additional proteins, only the active Botulinum toxin.
  • Onset of Action: Results may be seen as early as 3-4 days post-treatment.
  • Duration: The effects typically last about 3-4 months, but the duration can vary among individuals.

Which One is Right for You?

The best choice depends on individual preferences, desired outcomes, and your medical history. Here are general considerations:

  • Sensitivity: Since Xeomin has no additional proteins, it might be suitable for individuals sensitive to other formulations.
  • Results: The onset and duration of results can vary. Discuss with your provider what to expect from each.
  • Cost: Prices for each treatment may vary. Consult with your healthcare provider for detailed pricing information.

Schedule a Consultation at Capital Center®

Unsure which treatment is best for your unique needs and goals? The expert team at [Your Clinic’s Name] is here to help you navigate your options. Contact us at 202 386 7100 to schedule a consultation and learn more about what each treatment can offer you.