If your child needs wisdom teeth removal, there’s no time like the present to get it over and done with – especially since kids having them done now won’t miss school over the experience. Besides, waiting can increase the odds that your child will have dental problems due to those problematic wisdom teeth, including pain, infection or damage to adjacent teeth. If you’d like to take advantage of the summer vacation season to get this procedure out of the way, here are some tips for planning wisdom teeth removal before your child heads back-to-school.

Getting your child’s wisdom teeth extraction done during the school break is a great idea, ensuring that he or she won’t miss time from school over the procedure or recovery. The thing about great ideas is that they tend to catch on, and this one is no exception. That means that a lot of other parents have the same plan, so you had better get on the phone and make your appointment as before your surgeon’s appointment calendar gets crowded. Getting in ahead of the crowd will help ensure that you’ll be able to schedule your child’s procedure at a time that is most convenient for you.

Schedule In Plenty Of Time For Rest And Recovery

Wisdom teeth removal is typically a very routine procedure, and kids who have it done generally experience no serious complications and can be expected to recover quite quickly. That said, it is important to schedule your child’s procedure wisely, ensuring that he or she will have plenty of time for rest and recovery, as well as to handle any complications that occur. Besides, you can expect your child to have some facial swelling and possibly, some bruising as well, and allowing plenty of time for recovery before school starts can spare him or her the embarrassment of showing up for the first day of the new school year in that condition. So how long is long enough? For most kids, recovery takes about a week, but scheduling the procedure at least 10 to 14 days before school starts will give you some “just in case” flexibility.

Get Your Back-to-School Shopping Done Ahead Of Time

Speaking of the embarrassment of appearing in public with those chipmunk cheeks, planning ahead for any back-to-school shopping that you’ll need your child present for is wise. Getting these things out of the way before the procedure will not only spare your child the ordeal of shopping with a swollen face, but will also help ensure that he or she can follow your surgeon’s recommendations on limiting physical activity after surgery.

Stock Up On Nutritious Liquid And Soft Foods

Your child will be on a very restricted diet for at least a few days after surgery, and good, balanced nutrition and adequate hydration are essential to the healing process. So stock up on soft foods like soup, yogurt, and pudding, and get plenty of fruits and vegetables that make great smoothie ingredients.

Other things you may find helpful include stocking up on books, magazines, art supplies and movies to keep boredom at bay, and spending time discussing the procedure with your child so he or she will know what to expect and feel at ease on surgery day. Lastly, point out to your child that wisdom teeth removal is a one-time deal, so once those teeth are gone, he or she will never have to face it again – and if you get busy with your planning, they could be gone well before the upcoming school year begins.

To schedule your wisdom teeth removal surgery with one of our oral surgeons, contact our office at (202) 386-7100.