2019-2020 Renaissance Study Group Program
Excellence Through Education
Another academic year is about to begin. We will be sticking with our past format as it seems everyone is happy with it. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to make them.
I encourage everyone to reach out to the moderators if you would like to present a case. The moderators will help put the case in the correct format. Our final all day meeting subject will focus on business of dentistry and is appropriate for your staff and team building.
Our dues remains at $250. Your quick remittance is appreciated. This low fee is only possible with the help of our sponsors who provide grants to our group that supports our educational goal “Excellence Through Education”.
Please RSVP to Jeanneperrotta@ccomfs.com. We do need you to RSVP promptly as we need to guarantee the number of attendees one week prior to each meeting date.
11/5/19 by Zimmer/B: “Esthetic Integration” – Dr. Progebin
1/7/20 by OrthoFX: “What We Love” – Drs. Schwartz / Gray
2/4/20 by Straumann: “New Concepts and Therapy” – Dr. Retana
3/3/20 by Nobel: “Complications and Management” – Dr. Emery
TBD: “All Day Business Program” – Dr. Emery
Meeting Format: Pearls, Meeting Review, Presentation & Treatment Planning
Venue: Cafe Deluxe West End / Hilton Garden Inn Georgetown – 2201 M Street, NW
Time: Cocktails – 5:30pm / Dinner – 6:00pm / Program – 6:00-8:30pm
Please RSVP before October 25, 2019: Jeanneperrotta@ccomfs.com
Robert W. Emery DDS